法國國立里昂師範學院 2020年碩士班獎學金申請開始收件


國際排名名列前茅*的法國國立里昂師範學院 (ENS de Lyon) 開放國際學生申請碩士班獎學金 – Ampère Scholarships of Excellence , MILYON Scholarship


此兩項獎學金分別針對申請ENS Lyon理科、人文社會科學或藝術科系者,以及Advanced Mathematics, Foundation of Computer Science兩學程者。


請參閱以下來自ENS Lyon的訊息:


The ENS de Lyon and its partners offer scholarships (Ampère & MILYON Scholarships) for excellent international students that are interested in its Masters programs (admission in 1st or 2nd year of Master).


  • Ampère Scholarships of Excellence
    •  For all Master’s programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts, and Human and Social Sciences (except FEADéP Master's programs).
    • Amount: 1,000€ a month during one or two academic years


MILYON Scholarship 




Publié le : 26/12/2019 à 08:59
Mis à jour le : 27/01/2025 à 12:36